Monday, November 23, 2020 / by Vinny Steo
Fall Newsletter: Homeward Bound
What is it that separates some from others in athletics or education or business or the arts, or in any endeavor? It is their drive to do more than is expected or required.
One of our company’s core values is the Second Mile Service. When focusing on the second mile, we can’t forget there are two miles in play here.
So, before I show you what is in it for you in the second mile, let’s document the first mile.
The first mile is simply what is required of us. Yes, we are here to help people buy and sell the place they call home, but there is much more going on than just a real estate transaction. There is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE being pursued.
Our Lifetime Customer System starts when we first enter into a client relationship and seek to gain an understanding of what the FIRST MILE is. For example, on the first page of our Exclusive VIP Seller Agreement, we ask the Seller these 3 questions (you may remember them):
Why are you moving?
What is most important to you in getting your home sold?
What do you feel has to happen for you to have gotten what is most important to you?