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  • Food Tip of the Week: Cranberries

    Monday, November 2, 2020   /   by Vinny Steo

    Food Tip of the Week: Cranberries


    Cranberries are a fall fruit that always seems to get relegated to the canned cranberry sauce cubbyhole in our minds. However, fresh cranberries are an excellent addition to sauces, jellies, and some savory dishes.

    The cranberry is one of only a handful of major fruits native to North America. Cranberries are primarily grown in five states: Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Oregon, and Washington. There are nearly 1,000 cranberry growers in America. Other areas where cranberries are cultivated are Chile, Quebec, and British Columbia.

    Fresh cranberries are mainly available only three months out of the year: October, November, and December. However, fresh cranberries can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks and frozen for up to a year. And not that you would actually dump a bag on the floor, but fresh cranberries will bounce giving them the nickname of “bounceberries”

    Americans consume about 400 million pounds of cranberries each year. About 80 million pounds or 20 percent are used during Thanksgiving week alone. While traditional cranberry sauce has never lost its holiday popularity, cranberries are gaining a reputation in non-traditional recipes such as salsas, salads, muffins, and cakes. So put on your chef's hat and get cookin’.